Preview Ready to COPE for Women – Postnatal Emails

Email 1 (Birth): Hooray! Bub has arrived!

Email 2 (2 days): Processing your birth and recovery

Email 3 (4 days): Did things go to plan at birth for you?

Email 4 (1 week): You and your new baby

Email 5 (1 week, 2 days): Feeding your baby

Email 6 (1 week, 4 days): Managing advice

Email 7 (2 weeks): Adjusting to your new role

Email 8 (3 weeks): Coping in the early weeks

Email 9 (3 weeks, 2 days): Selfcare

Email 10 (3 weeks, 4 days): Thriving as a single mum

Email 11 (4 weeks): The myth of motherhood bliss

Email 12 (4 weeks, 4 days): Wondering what’s normal?

Email 13 (5 weeks): Connection with your baby

Email 14 (6 weeks): Mental health in new mums

Email 15 (7 weeks): Loneliness and motherhood

Email 16 (8 weeks): Coping with the highs and lows

Email 17 (9 weeks): Limited positive times

Email 18 (10 weeks): Be gentle on yourself & others

Email 19 (11 weeks): Mothers’ group

Email 20 (11 weeks, 2 days): Introducing Mama Tribe

Email 21 (12 weeks): How’s your adjustment going?

Email 22 (12 weeks, 2 days): The past can influence your present

Email 23 (12 weeks, 4 days): Family violence in early parenthood

Email 24 (14 weeks): Your partner’s adjustment to parenthood

Email 25 (16 weeks): How’s your partner feeling?

Email 26 (18 weeks): Postnatal depression: Facts & myths

Email 27 (19 weeks): Taking the first step

Email 28 (20 weeks): Back to work or staying home

Email 29 (22 weeks): When motherhood disappoints

Email 30 (23 weeks): Coping with an unsettled baby

Email 31 (24 weeks): Growth, development and milestones

Email 32 (24 weeks, 3 days): Making new friends

Email 33 (25 weeks): Managing separation anxiety

Email 34 (26 weeks): Feeling stressed?

Email 35 (28 weeks): Who are you?

Email 36 (30 weeks): Intimacy after having a baby

Email 37 (31 weeks): Restoring the balance

Email 38 (32 weeks): Postnatal anxiety or new mum fears?

Email 39 (34 weeks): Motherhood & acceptance

Email 40 (35 weeks): Accepting your post-baby body

Email 41 (36 weeks): Changes in friendships

Email 42 (37 weeks): Changes in family relationships

Email 43 (38 weeks): Mummy guilt is real. Learn how you can get over it.

Email 44 (40 weeks): Taking care of yourself

Email 45 (42 weeks): Tips for self-care

Email 46 (43 weeks): Ambivalence & motherhood

Email 47 (44 weeks): Stepping up the parenting

Email 48 (45 weeks): Have you joined your local Mama Tribe?

Email 49 (48 weeks): Reflecting, learning and setting goals

Email 50: (52 weeks): One whole year!

Other email series