Author Archives: Ariane Beeston

“You’re a midwife, you’ll be fine”: The six words Megan won’t forget

You’re a Midwife, you’ll be fine.” 6 words repeated to me. 6 words that caused added pressure. 6 words I’ve never forgotten. I’d seen… Read More

How to survive Christmas when you’re experiencing a perinatal mental illness

It’s a week before Christmas. Everyone has been asking me when I’ll take my baby to get his first Santa photo. And I’m torn between wanting his first Christmas to be special (even though I… Read More

“Jumping out of an airplane at 15,000ft isn’t nearly as scary as the grips of PND.”

Melbourne mum Alex thought postnatal depression meant you didn’t love your baby, that you didn’t feel any connection to them, or that you wanted to harm your child. But, as she soon discovered,… Read More

Libby’s Story: “There is a lot of secrecy and stigma around pregnancy loss, so I talk loudly and often.”

Libby Trainor Parker is an author, speaker, MC, radio presenter, health advocate and a proud step and foster mum. She kindly shared her story of infertility & pregnancy loss, as part of COPE’s The… Read More

“The early days of motherhood were so tough.” ~ Lauren Tench

COPE Ambassador Lauren Tench shares her story as part of The Truth Campaign. I struggled to fall pregnant for many years. When I fell pregnant I had really strong pain, so I went to the hospital… Read More

Mental health of mums during the pandemic

A new Australian study has highlighted the impact of the pandemic on perinatal mental health in Australia – particularly for mums in Victoria. “Victoria experienced a rapid increase in cases and additional lockdowns and maternity… Read More

“It was horrible” Britney Spears opens up about perinatal depression

Britney Spears has shared that she is expecting her third child – and has opened up a global conversation about depression during pregnancy and the first year of having a baby. In a post to… Read More

‘Mental illness does not discriminate’ – Rebecca’s Story

Rebecca shares her story of perinatal mental illness and recovery as part of COPE’s The Truth campaign. I experienced severe anxiety during my third trimester of pregnancy and then debilitating/acute… Read More

Having a baby during the pandemic was the hardest thing I’ve ever done – Alexandra’s Story

In early March 2020, I was heavily pregnant, COVID started to infiltrate the world and as I was deemed as high risk my company shipped me off to work at home. The sense of panic… Read More

Dana’s Story: ‘The truth is we are not meant to be doing this alone.’

Dana Stephensen, Senior Artist at The Australian Ballet shares her story as part of COPE’s The Truth campaign. Very early on after the birth of my twin girls, I was diagnosed with severe postnatal depression… Read More